Switching from the Master to the Mistress: A Women’s Guide to Powering Up the Home
The author explores how the first professional women decorators in Britain helped women gain agency in the home.
The author explores how the first professional women decorators in Britain helped women gain agency in the home.
Sayer looks at candles as an example of how less prominant energy sources and uses play key roles in energy transitions.
Gooday challenges established assumptions about the inevitability of modern energy decisions and places the agency of women in the foreground of domestic electrification.
This volume of Perspectives offers a collection of largely untold stories that demonstrate women’s agency in energy transitions.
Taylor and Chappells examine changing material cultures of energy in Britain and Canada.
This volume of Perspectives offers case studies of energy transitions within everyday environments over the last two centuries, from Europe to South Asia, to North and Latin America.
Goodbody examines the literary work Pandaemonium and its role in a research project to promote debate on climate change.
Bolton explores how Natural England creates landscape management plans in partnership with local communities.
This volume explores the potential contribution memory studies can make to policymaking, in particular on conservation and disaster resilience.
Kelsey Green and Franklin Ginn investigate the response to colony collapse disorder (CCD) of a committed group of beekeepers, examining the philosophies and practices of alternative apiculture along two axes: the gifts of honey and poison; longing, connection, and bee-worship.