Freitas, Joana Gaspar de. “The Poetics of Dunes.” Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review, no. 5 (June 2024).
I grew up by the sea, in the warm south of Portugal, swimming in the ocean and playing in the sand. I didn’t know then that my childhood playground was actually an “anthropocoast,” a hybrid or human-shaped coast, the product of one of the first beach nourishments made in my country. And when I later became a historian, I didn’t think that my professional path would lead me through sand hills. But years ago, I realized that dunes have stories too, which prompted me to write a book on the historical connections between humans and the coast—on the history of dunes. (From the article)
This article was originally published in Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review. Springs is an online publication featuring peer-reviewed articles, creative nonfiction, and artistic contributions that showcase the work of the Rachel Carson Center and its community across the world.
2024 Joana Gaspar de Freitas
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