Allen, Dave, and Tim Haines. Ocean Odyssey. London: Impossible Pictures, 2006. Multiple Formats, 120 min.
Representing the majority of our planet’s surface, extreme pressure and perpetual darkness mean that Earth’s final frontier has only been seen through torchlight—until now. Ocean Odyssey explores this final frontier through the eyes of its greatest inhabitant—the largest and deepest diving predator that has ever lived—the Sperm Whale. From infancy to death, the marine-scape comes vividly to life: the impossibly deep canyons, the underwater volcanoes and the spectacular mountain ranges. In recent years science has developed technology to allow us to create an accurate impression of the landscapes of the deep ocean formerly hidden from our eyes by eternal darkness. Using these latest advances and jaw-dropping CGI, Ocean Odyssey shows the most accurate portrayal of the abyss that has ever been seen. First broadcast in the UK on BBC1, the programme went on to be broadcast in over 40 other countries around the world. (Source: Impossible Pictures)
© 2006 polyband Medien GmbH. Trailer use with permission.
- Koslow, J. Anthony. The Silent Deep: the Discovery, Ecology, and Conservation of the Deep Sea. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.