Martin Schmid on "An Environmental History of the Danube"

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Carson Fellow Portraits (videos)

Niepytalska, Marta, “Martin Schmid on ‘An Environmental History of the Danube.’” Carson Fellow Portraits. Directed by Alec Hahn. Filmed May 2011. MPEG video, 4:09.

Martin Schmid is an assistant professor for environmental history and interdisciplinary communications at Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt-Graz-Wien in Austria, where he has been a member of the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies since 1999. Since 2010, he has served as the director of the Center for Environmental History (ZUG) at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. He has worked as an archaeologist for several years. He holds an MA in History (2002) and a PhD in Environmental History (2007) from the University of Vienna. A historian by profession, Martin is fascinated with environmental history as an interdisciplinary field, crossing the “great divide” between humanities and natural sciences. He has published on the history of agro-eco-systems in early modern period, Austria’s environmental history after World War Two, and on theoretical concepts for environmental history (“colonization of nature” and “socio-natural sites”). His current research focuses on European environmental history before 1800, and focuses in particular on rivers. His project at the Carson Center examined the environmental history of the Danube from 1500 onwards.

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Further readings: 
  • Schmid, Martin, Verena Winiwarter, and Gertrud Haidvogl. “Legacies from the Past: The Danube's Riverine Landscapes as Socio-Natural Sites.” Danube News, 21 (June 2010): 2–5.
  • Schmid, Martin. “Die Donau als sozionaturaler Schauplatz: Ein konzeptueller Entwurf für umwelthistorische Studien in der Frühen Neuzeit.” In Die Natur ist überall bei uns. Mensch und Natur in der Frühen Neuzeit, edited by Sophie Suppel and Aline Steinbrecher, 59–79. Basel: Chronos: 2009.
  • Schmid, Martin, and Gertrud Haidvogl. "Coupling the Long-Term Dynamics of Natural and Social Systems: Towards an Environmental History of the Danube." In Human Nature: Studies in Historical Ecology and Environmental History, edited by Péter Szábo and Radim Hédl, 64–73. Brno: Institute of Botany of the ASCR, 2008.
  • Schmid, Martin, and Verena Winiwarter, eds. Umwelt Donau. Eine andere Geschichte. St. Pölten: Niederösterreichisches Landesarchiv, 2010.