Environment, Inc.: From Grassroots to Beltway

Bosso, Christopher J. | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Books & Profiles

Bosson, Christopher J. Environment, Inc: From Grassroots to Beltway. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005.

In this insightful book, Christopher Bosso considers how organizations that once contested the Establishment have become an establishment of their own. Bosso describes the transformation of an inchoate 1960s movement into fixtures of contemporary politics to show how this transformation was necessary for the success of environmental policy. Presenting some thirty organizations that lie at the core of the national environmental advocacy community—today’s environmental establishment—he examines these groups both individually and collectively to clarify their origins, organizational evolution, and methods of operation. He looks at annual reports and tax forms to assess their financial health and organizational maintenance, and he describes how people whose heart is in the great outdoors have been forced to become more businesslike in order to survive in a political context that places a premium on presence. — University Press of Kentucky website.