Deer, Jemma, and Brandon Galm. “The Aesthetics of Asceticism: Thoreau, Religion, and Social Justice with Alda Bathrop-Lewis.” EcoCast: Environmental Conversations On Creative Art, Scholarship, and Teaching, 1 May 2022, MP3, 37:04.
After a brief hiatus, we’re happy to be back with a new episode! This month’s guest is Alda Bathrop-Lewis, research fellow at Australian Catholic University’s Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry, and author of 2021 book Thoreau’s Religion: Walden Woods, Social Justice, and the Politics of Asceticism. We discuss what links aesthetics to asceticism, and challenge the popular image of Thoreau as a solo hero in the woods, instead recognizing his deep sense of community and inheritance. Due to the tricky nature of coordinating three distant time zones, Brandon was unable to join the conversation this month.
(Source: EcoCast)
EcoCast: Environmental Conversations On Creative Art, Scholarship, and Teaching is the official podcast of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). Each episode features interviews with guests sharing their scholarship, creative work, or teaching.
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