Creatures of Empire: How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America

Anderson, Virginia DeJohn | from Multimedia Library Collection:
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Anderson, Virginia DeJohn. Creatures of Empire: How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Livestock, Anderson writes, were a central factor in the cultural clash between colonists and Indians as well as a driving force in the expansion west. By bringing livestock across the Atlantic, colonists believed that they provided the means to realize America’s potential. It was thought that if the Native Americans learned to keep livestock as well, they would be that much closer to assimilating the colonist’s culture, especially their Christian faith. But colonists failed to anticipate the problems that would arise as Indians began encountering free-ranging livestock at almost every turn, often trespassing in their cornfields. Moreover, when growing populations and an expansive style of husbandry required far more space than they had expected, colonists could see no alternative but to appropriate Indian land. This created tensions that reached the boiling point with King Philip’s War and Bacon’s Rebellion. And it established a pattern that would repeat time and again over the next two centuries. — Oxford University Press website.