Hill, Brian. Climate of Change. USA/UK: The Climate Reality Project, 2010. HD, 85 min. https://youtu.be/3Ew80qLSPSU.
“We are the renters of this world, not its masters,” reminds Pooshkar, a precocious 13-year-old member of a youth environmental defense group in India. He and his fellow voraciously energetic students actively rally against the use of plastics. In Africa, a renaissance man teaches citizens to harness solar power to cook food. In Papua New Guinea, villagers practice sustainable logging to save their rainforests. Self-described “hillbillies” in Appalachia battle the big business behind strip mining. This rich documentary takes us around the world to find the ordinary people taking action in the fight to save our environment. Driving Climate of Change is the beautiful narration written by British poet Simon Armitage and voiced by actress Tilda Swinton. (Source: Adapted from Tribecafilm)
© 2010 The Climate Reality Project. Trailer used with permission.
This film is available at the Rachel Carson Center Library (RCC, 4th floor, Leopoldstrasse 11a, 80802 Munich) for on-site viewing only. For more information, please contact library@rcc.lmu.de.