Deer, Jemma, and Brandon Galm. “Justice Matters: Bénédicte Boisseron, Animal Studies, and Racial Justice .” EcoCast: Environmental Conversations On Creative Art, Scholarship, and Teaching, 1 August 2020, MP3, 39:08.
In this episode, Jemma and Brandon have a conversation with Bénédicte Boisseron, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies at University of Michigan, and author of Afro-Dog: Blackness and the Animal Question. Building off the Root Word “matter,” they discuss Bénédicte’s scholarship—situated at the intersection of animal studies and racial justice—and the implications for our present moment.
EcoCast: Environmental Conversations On Creative Art, Scholarship, and Teaching is the official podcast of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). Each episode features interviews with guests sharing their scholarship, creative work, or teaching.
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