Deer, Jemma, and Brandon Galm. “Ice In Your Veins: Antarctica in the Anthropocene with Marissa Grunes.” EcoCast: Environmental Conversations On Creative Art, Scholarship, and Teaching, 2 June 2021, MP3, 57:19.
In this episode, we have a wonderful conversation with Marissa Grunes about the literal and literary awe and fascination humans have had for Antarctica. Marissa is an Environmental Fellow at Harvard University Center for the Environment, where she is at work on a narrative nonfiction book, Incognita: A Portrait of Antarctica. She studied Comparative Literature in German and Spanish at Yale, and earned her PhD in English Lit from Harvard, where she studied nineteenth century American literature and log cabins.
(Source: EcoCast)
EcoCast: Environmental Conversations On Creative Art, Scholarship, and Teaching is the official podcast of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). Each episode features interviews with guests sharing their scholarship, creative work, or teaching.
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