Acerca de la exposición
Artistic rendition of CHIC’s multiple-scale exploration. (1) The local scale is depicted by the small hand lens with CHIC’s new research, education, and conservation facility located in Puerto Williams, Chile, which consolidates two decades of active international, interdisciplinary, long-term collaborative partnerships. (2) The regional scale is illustrated by the inverted globe that indicates Cape Horn’s unique geographical location as the “southern summit of the Americas,” which offers an ideal (and still understudied) region to research and monitor global climate change. (3) The global scale represented by the large hand lens that symbolizes CHIC’s research approach integrating natural and social sciences, humanities, education and ethics to appreciate multiple dimensions of the microcosm and macrocosm. The southern cross-constellation is an invitation to incorporate perspectives from both hemispheres, the South and the North, to address the complex challenges of social-environmental change.
Artistic rendition of CHIC’s multiple-scale exploration. (1) The local scale is depicted by the small hand lens with CHIC’s new research, education, and conservation facility located in Puerto Williams, Chile, which consolidates two decades of active international, interdisciplinary, long-term collaborative partnerships. (2) The regional scale is illustrated by the inverted globe that indicates Cape Horn’s unique geographical location as the “southern summit of the Americas,” which offers an ideal (and still understudied) region to research and monitor global climate change. (3) The global scale represented by the large hand lens that symbolizes CHIC’s research approach integrating natural and social sciences, humanities, education and ethics to appreciate multiple dimensions of the microcosm and macrocosm. The southern cross-constellation is an invitation to incorporate perspectives from both hemispheres, the South and the North, to address the complex challenges of social-environmental change.
Image by CHIC.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Desde mediados del siglo XX, se han establecido observatorios astronómicos en el norte de Chile para explorar el espacio exterior. Desde principios del siglo XXI, el Centro Internacional Cabo de Hornos (CHIC) se ha instaurado en el extremo sur de Chile para estudiar las respuestas de la biodiversidad subantártica al cambio climático. Dirigido por la Universidad de Magallanes en Chile y la Universidad del norte de Texas en Estados Unidos, en colaboración con otras instituciones gubernamentales y de investigación, el CHIC ha desarrollado un programa de investigación biocultural, educación y conservación a largo plazo para comprender, valorar y proteger la diversidad biológica y cultural. Con el apoyo del Gobierno de la Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena, el CHIC inauguró un centro de investigación y educación de vanguardia vanguardia en el año 2022, ubicado en Puerto Williams, capital de la Provincia Antártica Chilena.
Esta exposición virtual presenta por primera vez la complementariedad de las investigaciones astronómicas y bioculturales realizadas en los extremos de Chile. Desde supernovas y constelaciones hasta organismos diminutos, los cielos más despejados del mundo sobre el Desierto de Atacama y las aguas y ecosistemas más limpios del planeta en la Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos (RBCH) ofrecen oportunidades únicas para explorar el macro y micro cosmos. El examen de las dimensiones biofísicas revela sorprendentes similitudes entre las estructuras y patrones de las galaxias y las rocas, ríos y organismos en la Tierra, incluidos los humanos. Esta investigación nos invita a apreciar la belleza del cosmos y a reflexionar sobre nuestros hábitos vitales para fomentar formas responsables de coexistencia con diversos habitantes humanos y no humanos.
Agradecemos el apoyo intelectual e institucional brindado por el Centro Rachel Carson (RCC), el Observatorio Europeo Austral (ESO), el Centro Internacional Cabo de Hornos (CHIC), la Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG) y la Universidad de North Texas (UNT).
Esta exposición virtual fue concebida por primera vez en agosto de 2021 en el RCC en Múnich, durante el taller “De lupas a telescopios: explorando el microcosmos y el macrocosmos” convocado por el Prof. Dr. Christof Mauch (director del RCC), Matías Undurraga Abott (cónsul general de Chile en Múnich, 2018-2022), el Prof. Dr. Xavier Barcons (director general de ESO, Múnich), y el Dr. Ricardo Rozzi (director del CHIC, y profesor de la Universidad del Norte de Texas, EE.UU., y de la Universidad de Magallanes, Chile).
El taller en el año 2021 en el RCC incluyó presentaciones del Dr. Martín Fonck (graduado del RCC y Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität de Múnich, Alemania), Dr. Kurt Jax (Departamento de Biología de la Conservación, Centro Helmholtz para la Investigación Ambiental-UFZ, Leipzig, Alemania), Teresa Paneque (astrónoma, Universidad de Chile y ESO), Dr. Christian Printzen (jefe de la sección de Criptógamas, Museo de Historia Natural de Senckenberg, Fráncfort, Alemania), y Dra. Laura Sánchez (CHIC y Universidad de Magallanes, Chile).
Queremos expresar nuestro especial agradecimiento a Pauline Kargruber, Dr. Jonatan Palmblad (“Jonte”), Andreas Jünger, y a todo el equipo del RCC, así como a Mónica Araus, Rolando Martínez, Paulina Llanos, Jennifer Torres, y al equipo de investigación interdisciplinario del Parque Omora en el CHIC. Ricardo Rozzi expresa su agradecimiento por la oportunidad para visitar el RCC y por la valiosa experiencia como becario de Carson entre mayo y agosto de 2021.
Esta exposición ha sido parcialmente financiada por la iniciativa “Líquenes subantárticos, un nuevo centinela del cambio climático global: primer curso internacional y herbario virtual de criptógamas de altas latitudes (ANID-FOVI210059)”, otorgado en 2021 a la Fundación Omora en colaboración con el CHIC, la Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG) y la Universidad de Talca, Chile, y por CHIC-ANID/BASAL (FB210018), Chile.
Los Autores
Ricardo Rozzi is a Chilean ecologist and philosopher. Rozzi is a professor at the University of North Texas in the United States and at the University of Magallanes in Chile, where he is director of the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC). He has coined three interrelated terms: “biocultural conservation,” “biocultural homogenization,” and “biocultural ethics.” The latter values the vital links between the lifestyles of coinhabitants who share a common habitat. He led the establishment of the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (2005) and the Diego Ramírez Islands–Drake Passage Marine Park (2019). He also first introduced the “field environmental philosophy” methodology for biocultural education, generating innovations in special-interest tourism themes and activities, such as “Ecotourism with a Hand Lens.” You can learn more about his work here.
Ricardo Rozzi is a Chilean ecologist and philosopher. Rozzi is a professor at the University of North Texas in the United States and at the University of Magallanes in Chile, where he is director of the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC). He has coined three interrelated terms: “biocultural conservation,” “biocultural homogenization,” and “biocultural ethics.” The latter values the vital links between the lifestyles of coinhabitants who share a common habitat. He led the establishment of the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (2005) and the Diego Ramírez Islands–Drake Passage Marine Park (2019). He also first introduced the “field environmental philosophy” methodology for biocultural education, generating innovations in special-interest tourism themes and activities, such as “Ecotourism with a Hand Lens.” You can learn more about his work here.
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Carolina Castro Jorquera is a Chilean art historian and curator. She currently works as a guest lecturer in the MFA program “Research and Image Making” at Finis Terrae University in Santiago. Her book, Camino de la conciencia: Mira Schendel, Víctor Grippo y Cecilia Vicuña (The Way of Consciousness: Mira Schendel, Víctor Grippo and Cecilia Vicuña), was published by Ediciones Universidad Finis Terrae in 2020. As a curator, she has organized numerous exhibitions across the Americas and Europe. Carolina holds an MA in contemporary art and visual culture from the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and a PhD in art history from Autonomous University of Madrid. You can learn more about her work here.
Carolina Castro Jorquera is a Chilean art historian and curator. She currently works as a guest lecturer in the MFA program “Research and Image Making” at Finis Terrae University in Santiago. Her book, Camino de la conciencia: Mira Schendel, Víctor Grippo y Cecilia Vicuña (The Way of Consciousness: Mira Schendel, Víctor Grippo and Cecilia Vicuña), was published by Ediciones Universidad Finis Terrae in 2020. As a curator, she has organized numerous exhibitions across the Americas and Europe. Carolina holds an MA in contemporary art and visual culture from the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and a PhD in art history from Autonomous University of Madrid. You can learn more about her work here.
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Shaun Russell is an environmental scientist with 45 years of experience as a teacher and researcher in biodiversity conservation and protected-area management around the world. He held lecturing posts in Britain and South Africa and was formerly dean of the Science Faculty at the University of Namibia. He also worked for the British and South African Antarctic programs. Dr. Russell is currently the director of the Treborth Botanic Garden at Bangor University in Wales, and over the past 20 years he has applied his specialist knowledge of mosses and lichens to habitat conservation in the far south of Chile.
Shaun Russell is an environmental scientist with 45 years of experience as a teacher and researcher in biodiversity conservation and protected-area management around the world. He held lecturing posts in Britain and South Africa and was formerly dean of the Science Faculty at the University of Namibia. He also worked for the British and South African Antarctic programs. Dr. Russell is currently the director of the Treborth Botanic Garden at Bangor University in Wales, and over the past 20 years he has applied his specialist knowledge of mosses and lichens to habitat conservation in the far south of Chile.
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Bernard Goffinet is a professor in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Connecticut. His research interests focus on the diversity and evolution of mosses and lichens based on field work in the Americas, Asia, and Africa. He also engages in enhancing awareness of these lesser-known organisms through walks, books, and exhibits. He completed his BS and MS at the University of Liège, with a thesis focused on epiphytes in old growth forests, and earned his PhD at the University of Alberta for his study on the evolution of mosses. He has edited and written several books and is currently the president of the International Association of Bryologists. You can learn more about his work here.
Bernard Goffinet is a professor in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Connecticut. His research interests focus on the diversity and evolution of mosses and lichens based on field work in the Americas, Asia, and Africa. He also engages in enhancing awareness of these lesser-known organisms through walks, books, and exhibits. He completed his BS and MS at the University of Liège, with a thesis focused on epiphytes in old growth forests, and earned his PhD at the University of Alberta for his study on the evolution of mosses. He has edited and written several books and is currently the president of the International Association of Bryologists. You can learn more about his work here.
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Kelli Moses is the international coordinator of the Cape Horn International Center and the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program for the University of Magallanes. Ms. Moses has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of North Texas. She has held various roles with the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program both in the United States and Chile since 2005 and with the Cape Horn International Center since 2022. She coordinates international visits to the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, field courses and student research experiences, and the editorial line on biocultural conservation of the program.
Kelli Moses is the international coordinator of the Cape Horn International Center and the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program for the University of Magallanes. Ms. Moses has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of North Texas. She has held various roles with the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program both in the United States and Chile since 2005 and with the Cape Horn International Center since 2022. She coordinates international visits to the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, field courses and student research experiences, and the editorial line on biocultural conservation of the program.
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Tamara Contador is a professor and researcher at the University of Magallanes in Chile. She is a researcher at the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC), at the Millennium Institute for Biodiversity of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems (BASE), and at the Millennium Nucleus of Invasive Salmonids (INVASAL). Her research focuses onnadaptations of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates to climate change, particularly in subantarctic and antarctic ecosystems. She works at Omora Park in Navarino Island, where she seeks to promote the integration of environmental ethics and ecological sciences to contribute to biocultural conservation in freshwater ecosystems. You can learn more about her work here.
Tamara Contador is a professor and researcher at the University of Magallanes in Chile. She is a researcher at the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC), at the Millennium Institute for Biodiversity of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems (BASE), and at the Millennium Nucleus of Invasive Salmonids (INVASAL). Her research focuses onnadaptations of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates to climate change, particularly in subantarctic and antarctic ecosystems. She works at Omora Park in Navarino Island, where she seeks to promote the integration of environmental ethics and ecological sciences to contribute to biocultural conservation in freshwater ecosystems. You can learn more about her work here.
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Francisca Massardo is a professor at the University of Magallanes (UMAG), Chile. She is an agronomist, holds an MS and a PhD in plant physiology from the University of Chile, and is a postdoctoral fellow in biocultural conservation at the University of Connecticut, US. Since 2000 she has led conservation efforts: the creation of the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, the Omora Foundation, and the Cape Horn Sub-Antarctic Center. She is also the chief editor of the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program at UMAG, and principal investigator of the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC). She has integrated basic and applied science for conservation with focus on the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. You can learn more about her work here.
Francisca Massardo is a professor at the University of Magallanes (UMAG), Chile. She is an agronomist, holds an MS and a PhD in plant physiology from the University of Chile, and is a postdoctoral fellow in biocultural conservation at the University of Connecticut, US. Since 2000 she has led conservation efforts: the creation of the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, the Omora Foundation, and the Cape Horn Sub-Antarctic Center. She is also the chief editor of the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program at UMAG, and principal investigator of the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC). She has integrated basic and applied science for conservation with focus on the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. You can learn more about her work here.
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Miguel Garcia Corrales is a professional and academic with more than 20 years of experience in the development of studies and projects related to landscape, heritage, environmental evaluation of projects, and sustainable tourism, with a focus on Latin America. His research and projects have focused on the study of the natural and cultural landscape as fundamental assets for the endogenous development of sustainable tourism. For 10 years he has been an associate professor at the School of Architecture and Landscape, Central University of Chile, project director at the Institute of Tourist Heritage, Central University of Chile, and since 2023 he has been responsible for the tourism area of the Cape Horn International Center (Basal-ANID) led by the University of Magallanes.
Miguel Garcia Corrales is a professional and academic with more than 20 years of experience in the development of studies and projects related to landscape, heritage, environmental evaluation of projects, and sustainable tourism, with a focus on Latin America. His research and projects have focused on the study of the natural and cultural landscape as fundamental assets for the endogenous development of sustainable tourism. For 10 years he has been an associate professor at the School of Architecture and Landscape, Central University of Chile, project director at the Institute of Tourist Heritage, Central University of Chile, and since 2023 he has been responsible for the tourism area of the Cape Horn International Center (Basal-ANID) led by the University of Magallanes.
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Alejandra Tauro is an Argentinean biologist who works at El Colegio de Puebla, at the National Science and Technology Council, Mexico, and at the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC), Chile. She graduated as a biologist and professor of biology at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. She obtained a master’s degree and a doctorate in sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and a master’s degree in sustainable development from the University of Lanús / FLACAM-CEPA, Argentina. Her research focuses on ecology and conservation biology, incorporating a biocultural perspective and inter- and transdisciplinary methodologies to address the heterogeneity of links between human well-being and nature. Tauro has worked at the interface between academia and civil society organizations, contributing to biocultural conservation practices that foster community and inter-actor collaboration.
Alejandra Tauro is an Argentinean biologist who works at El Colegio de Puebla, at the National Science and Technology Council, Mexico, and at the Cape Horn International Center (CHIC), Chile. She graduated as a biologist and professor of biology at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. She obtained a master’s degree and a doctorate in sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and a master’s degree in sustainable development from the University of Lanús / FLACAM-CEPA, Argentina. Her research focuses on ecology and conservation biology, incorporating a biocultural perspective and inter- and transdisciplinary methodologies to address the heterogeneity of links between human well-being and nature. Tauro has worked at the interface between academia and civil society organizations, contributing to biocultural conservation practices that foster community and inter-actor collaboration.
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Luis Chavarría holds a BS and a PhD in science with a major in astronomy from the University of Chile. He carried out his doctoral-thesis research at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and has done postdoctoral studies in Chile, France, and Spain, focusing on projects related to the star-formation process. In 2013 he joined the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) as support astronomer and Chilean coordinator for the APEX (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) telescope. In 2016 he became the director of the Astronomy Program, coordinating strategies to strengthen international collaboration and support the immense and growing scientific infrastructure installed in Chile to the benefit of the local scientific community. In 2021 he joined the European Southern Observatory (ESO) as the ESO representative in Chile. He became the first Chilean citizen to fill this position in the 60 years of ESO.
Luis Chavarría holds a BS and a PhD in science with a major in astronomy from the University of Chile. He carried out his doctoral-thesis research at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and has done postdoctoral studies in Chile, France, and Spain, focusing on projects related to the star-formation process. In 2013 he joined the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) as support astronomer and Chilean coordinator for the APEX (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) telescope. In 2016 he became the director of the Astronomy Program, coordinating strategies to strengthen international collaboration and support the immense and growing scientific infrastructure installed in Chile to the benefit of the local scientific community. In 2021 he joined the European Southern Observatory (ESO) as the ESO representative in Chile. He became the first Chilean citizen to fill this position in the 60 years of ESO.
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Bruno Leibundgut’s career as an astrophysicist spans more than 30 years. His scientific contributions range from the nucleosynthesis in stellar explosions to the evolution of the universe. After completing his PhD at the University of Basel, Switzerland, he held positions as junior researcher at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, and the University of California, Berkeley. For nearly 30 years he has been an astrophysicist at the European Southern Observatory (ESO). He held various positions within this intergovernmental organization, among them director for science. Bruno Leibundgut is deeply involved in the operations of large telescopes and currently serves as program scientist of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Since 2012 he has also held an honorary professorship at the Technical University of Munich.
Bruno Leibundgut’s career as an astrophysicist spans more than 30 years. His scientific contributions range from the nucleosynthesis in stellar explosions to the evolution of the universe. After completing his PhD at the University of Basel, Switzerland, he held positions as junior researcher at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, and the University of California, Berkeley. For nearly 30 years he has been an astrophysicist at the European Southern Observatory (ESO). He held various positions within this intergovernmental organization, among them director for science. Bruno Leibundgut is deeply involved in the operations of large telescopes and currently serves as program scientist of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Since 2012 he has also held an honorary professorship at the Technical University of Munich.
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Teresa Paneque Carreño has an MS in astronomy and is currently a doctoral candidate at the European Southern Observatory, through the International Max Planck Research School program, and at the University of Leiden. She is also a topselling author of the multivolume children’s books El Universo Segun Carlota (2021–2023) and does astronomy outreach through social media (@terepaneque). Her scientific interests revolve around planet-formation processes and the distribution and abundance of molecules in protoplanetary disks.
Teresa Paneque Carreño has an MS in astronomy and is currently a doctoral candidate at the European Southern Observatory, through the International Max Planck Research School program, and at the University of Leiden. She is also a topselling author of the multivolume children’s books El Universo Segun Carlota (2021–2023) and does astronomy outreach through social media (@terepaneque). Her scientific interests revolve around planet-formation processes and the distribution and abundance of molecules in protoplanetary disks.
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Alain Smette is an operations staff astronomer at the European Southern Observatory since 2004. He received his PhD from the Universite de Liège, Belgium, in 1994. After a postdoc at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, he became a research associate at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, then returned to Liège in 2001. His research interests include the study of absorption lines in the spectra of quasars and gamma ray burst optical afterglows, gravitational lensing, and active galactic nuclei. As a member of the Science Operations department at Paranal, he was successively the instrument scientist for the VISIR then CRIRES instruments, and instrument operations team coordinator. He is currently a system scientist in the system engineering group at the Paranal Observatory.
Alain Smette is an operations staff astronomer at the European Southern Observatory since 2004. He received his PhD from the Universite de Liège, Belgium, in 1994. After a postdoc at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, he became a research associate at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, then returned to Liège in 2001. His research interests include the study of absorption lines in the spectra of quasars and gamma ray burst optical afterglows, gravitational lensing, and active galactic nuclei. As a member of the Science Operations department at Paranal, he was successively the instrument scientist for the VISIR then CRIRES instruments, and instrument operations team coordinator. He is currently a system scientist in the system engineering group at the Paranal Observatory.
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Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo is an astrophysicist at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, where she acts as head of the Office for Science and as faculty chair. Before, she was the head of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array Program management group. She did her PhD at the Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology, using the NASA Deep Space Network antennas to perform star-formation studies at centimeter wavelengths. She joined ESO in 2006 as an ESO ALMA fellow with duties at the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope, the Atacama Test Facility in Socorro, New Mexico, and the Operations Support Facilities near San Pedro de Atacama, in Chile. Her research focuses on stars, brown dwarfs, and planet formation.
Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo is an astrophysicist at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, where she acts as head of the Office for Science and as faculty chair. Before, she was the head of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array Program management group. She did her PhD at the Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology, using the NASA Deep Space Network antennas to perform star-formation studies at centimeter wavelengths. She joined ESO in 2006 as an ESO ALMA fellow with duties at the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope, the Atacama Test Facility in Socorro, New Mexico, and the Operations Support Facilities near San Pedro de Atacama, in Chile. Her research focuses on stars, brown dwarfs, and planet formation.
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