John Anthony Allan’s “Virtual Water”: Natural Resources Management in the Wake of Neoliberalism
Virtual water is heralded as the solution to freshwater scarcity and overconsumption, but it oversimplifies global water flows.
Virtual water is heralded as the solution to freshwater scarcity and overconsumption, but it oversimplifies global water flows.
Examining the case of the Bellbird Biological Corridor in Costa Rica, Karen Allen argues that conservation policy should reinforce multifaceted social values toward sustainable landscapes, rather than promote economic incentives that reduce environmental benefits to exchange value.
Barthold analyzes the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group to illustrate how city networks are powerful actors in the global dissemination of eco-modernization strategies aimed at decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation.
Based on participant observation, the author offers an ethnographic account of urban middle class Indian tourists’ experience of seeing the tiger in Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, and Kanha and Bandhavgarh National Parks in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Nicholas Babin´s review of the book Organic Sovereignties by Guntra A. Aistara.
The paper analyzes pangolin trafficking among South and Southeast Asian countries, shedding light on the commodity chain linking the hunters and consumers of pangolin across South, Southeast and East Asia.
The authors examine the issues related to environmental discounting in cost-benefit analyses on projects of environmental impact by using a Delphi survey of a worldwide panel drawn from specialists.
The authors analyze perspectives of conservation professionals on the neoliberalization of ecosystem services, through a survey conducted with a group of conservationists based in Cambridge, England.
Sean Patrick Adams explores coal storage and expansion in nineteenth-century America.
When the mystical marketing of Himalayan medicines elides the social and ecological worlds of Himalayan meadows.