Der Bauer, der das Gras wachsen hört [The farmer who hears the grass growing]
A portrait of Michael Simml, a pioneering organic farmer based in the Bavarian Forest, and his methods of yielding the highest returns from the most challenging of soils.
A portrait of Michael Simml, a pioneering organic farmer based in the Bavarian Forest, and his methods of yielding the highest returns from the most challenging of soils.
The Brauns started farming organically in 1984. This documentary film explores the day-to-day operation of their farm in Bavaria. Among other things, it shows how vital earthworms are for soil fertility.
Under the European colonial powers, agricultural methods and techniques, along with well-organized routines in sugar production, were developed on the Caribbean islands with a view to managing sugar plantations as efficiently as possible. The results were in many cases deforestation, impoverished soils, and erosion.
This study examines the debates on, and processes of, land reform in Zimbabwe during the independence era, exploring the social, economic, and political contexts of perceptions of land redistribution and management.
Nature’s Management is a collection of early nineteenth century agricultural writings by Edmund Ruffin, topically arranged to highlight Virginia’s fence enclosure laws, municipal public health measures to combat malaria, wetlands drainage and reclamation, and observations of the geology, botany, and culture of Virginia and the Carolinas.
Stoll traces the origins of nineteenth-century conservation, which grew out of a rich and heated discussion, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, about soil fertility, plant nutrition, and livestock management. More fundamental than any other resource, soil “became the focal point for a conception of nature as strictly limited.” The problem gave rise to a major disagreement about the wisdom of territorial expansion.
Most contributors to Agrarmodernisierung und Ökologische Folgen deal with the ecological consequences of farming and agriculture in twentieth-century Germany.
Brian Donahue offers an innovative, accessible, and authoritative history of the early farming practices of Concord, Massachusetts.
Dirt! The Movie takes a humorous and substantial look into the history and current state of the living organic matter that we come from and will later return to.
In 1997 and 1998 peat swamp forests burned in Borneo, Indonesia, spewing big amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.