Atlantropa – Endless Energy from the Mediterranean Sea
The construction of a giant dam across the Strait of Gibraltar, proposed by the Munich architect Hermann Sörgel (1885–1952), would have created the largest hydroelectric facility in the world.
The construction of a giant dam across the Strait of Gibraltar, proposed by the Munich architect Hermann Sörgel (1885–1952), would have created the largest hydroelectric facility in the world.
This paper examines some of many tensions associated with the utopian propensity that underlies much thinking and action in radical environmentalism.
Most people know little about intentional communities, and what they think they know is often wrong. Metcalfe discusses some of these preconceptions and why they are inaccurate.
In the context of the current global economic crisis, it seems that people are increasingly looking for more sustainable ways of living. Ecovillages provide people with a way to pursue a more sustainable lifestyle.
A utopian narrative must be understood not so much as a concrete plan or set of policy recommendations, but as a call to decide for oneself about the plausibility and the desirability of the postulated ideals.
How do the three pillars of sustainability—environment, economy, and society—come together in the daily routines of a society? Research in Community (RIC) has given itself the goal of building a network to investigate and promote a culture of sustainability.
Most relevant academic papers offer insights into prior studies of ecovillages, but there are none that offer a complete overview. This review is meant to contribute to filling that gap.
Ecovillages are a perfect example of efforts to create a “culture of sustainability”. To fully explore their potential, Research in Community (RIC), an inter- and transdisciplinary research network, was created to promote research on and education for so-called “pioneers of change.
This essay explores the choices made in how people are building eco-housing themselves and why, what makes eco-housing work, what it is like to live in such dwellings, and what the accompanying constraints and opportunities are.
ECOVILLAGES, is a collaborative research project in which ecovillagers and academics, and ecovillager academics, aim to advance the political recognition, number, resources, and influence of ecovillages in the Baltic Sea Region.