Paavola, Jouni. “Towards Polyvocal Environmental Debates. Editorial.” Environmental Values 17, no. 4 (2008): 433-436. doi:10.3197/096327108X368476.
This issue illustrates the potential of Environmental Values as a journal that can foster dialogue about key environmental issues and debates across research traditions. (…) Interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary journals such as Environmental Values are better placed to foster inter-paradigmatic intellectual exchange for many reasons. Firstly, interdisciplinary research is problem- or issue-focused and involves boundary objects such as “biodiversity” or “governance” which provide a degree of commonality across different research traditions whilst also accommodating degrees of difference. This kind of partially shared intellectual platform fosters exchange of ideas across research traditions. Scholars also seem to self-select for interdisciplinary research, and those that find it congenial tend to stay in an interdisciplinary setting and learn to communicate with scholars from other disciplines. (…) I hope that I am not the only one for whom this issue of Environmental Values is about transfer of ways of thinking about important environmental issues across the boundaries of research traditions. Happy transfers!
— Text from The White Horse Press website
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