SOLCHA: La Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Historia Ambiental

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La Sociedad Latinoamericana y Carabeña de Historia Ambiental (SOCHA). Homepage.

SOLCHA: La Sociedad Latinoamericana y Carabeña de Historia Ambiental (website).

La Sociedad [Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Historia Ambiental] apoya los esfuerzos por crear una historia más inclusiva y facilitar el encuentro entre las ciencias naturales y sociales con el fin de construir un futuro sostenible. Con este propósito promueve espacios para divulgar la investigación sobre la historia ambiental de América Latina y el Caribe, en particular a través de sus simposios bianuales. Además de darle visibilidad a este campo interdisciplinario, la Sociedad busca estrechar las relaciones entre quienes realizan este tipo de trabajo sobre diferentes regiones del mundo. La Sociedad también aspira a influir en políticas que promuevan un futuro ambientalmente sano. (Text from SOLCHA)

The Latin American and Caribbean Society of Environmental History supports the efforts to create a more inclusive history and to facilitate the interaction between the natural and the social sciences, aiming to create a sustainable future. With this purpose, spaces for disseminating the research of Latin American and Caribbean environmental history are promoted—in particular through its biannual symposia. In addition to giving visibility to this interdisciplinary field, the society seeks to strengthen the relationships between those who perform this type of work in different regions of the world. The Society also aims to influence policies which promotes an environmentally sound future. (Translation by Jonatan Palmblad)

An initiative of the Colombian Universidad de los Andes, SOLCHA iis a society for Latin American perspectives on environmental history. Apart from its bi-annual symposia, the society is responsible for Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC)—a Latin America-focused journal covering various aspects of environmental history. Among various resources, the website features a collection of postgraduate education programs in South America as well as a list of suggested readings. SOLCHA also offers memberships to any institution, scholar or student wanting to be a part of its network.