NIES/SIGTUNA from peternorrmanstudio on Vimeo.
Norrman, Peter, Steven Hartman, and Anders Birgersson. Developing the Environmental Humanities: A Work in Progress. Stockholm: Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 2012. 41:12 min.
This video installation, produced by the Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in partnership with Sigtunastiftelsen, is a collaborative work by filmmaker/video artist Peter Norrman, writer and researcher Steven Hartman (leader of NIES at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Uppsala University) and Swedish designer/director Anders Birgersson (founder of the Zoo People media collective). It was the first in a projected series of video installations that seeks to explore the environmental humanities as a scholarly domain of growing significance. Scholars interviewed for this installation include the following ecocritics and historians of science, technology and environment (in their order of appearance in the film): James Fleming, Ursula Heise, Greg Garrard, Sarah Elkind, David Nye, Donald Worster and Hannes Bergthaller.