Forest Voice 4, no. 1, 3rd ed. (1993). Environment and Society Portal. Multimedia Library.
This issue of Forest Voice offers a primer, “Your Forests: Slated for Slaughter.” It includes a summary of the National Forest Protection Acts, a package of draft legislation developed by the Native Forest Council, satellite images comparing deforestation in the U.S. to that in Brazil, and an instructional graphic titled, “Nature Pays, You Pay, Your Children Pay.”
For 150 years we have cut our native forests without thought of consequence. We now know that forests are the lungs of the planet. They provide us with pure water and healthy fisheries. They moderate the climate, are a primary source of medicines, and serve as genetic banks for a wondrous diversity of plant and animal life. The complex products of centuries of evolution, once gone, they are gone forever.
—Native Forest Council
© 1993 Native Forest Council. All rights to articles appearing in Forest Voice are reserved but the publisher writes “we are pleased to allow reprinting if credit is given.” Due to the inclusion of copyrighted material with reference to U.S. fair use doctrine, this issue cannot be republished in the EU. It is available at the library of the Rachel Carson Center at the LMU Munich. To request access for research purposes, contact us at
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