Episode 2: "Natural Resource Development in British Columbia"

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Nature's Past (podcasts)

Kheraj, Sean. “Episode 02: Natural Resource Development in British Columbia.” Nature’s Past Podcast, 19 January 2009. MP3, 34:50. http://niche-canada.org/2009/01/19/natures-past-episode-2-natural-resource-development-in-british-columbia/.

British Columbians will face major dilemmas in the near future over their hydro and energy policies. In November 2008, the Nature/History/Society group hosted a roundtable on hydro-energy in British Colombia, featuring Jeremy Mouat (University of Alberta), Tina Loo (University of British Columbia), and Paul Hirt (Arizona State). In this episode a selection from Tina Loo’s talk on hydro-electric development and high modernism called “Towards an Environmental History of ‘Progress’ ” is highlighted. Additionally there is an interview with Jonathan Peyton, a PhD candidate in the Department of Geography at UBC who is studying the history of resource conflict in the Stikine Plateau region of northern British Columbia.

Natural Resource Development in British Columbia (31.9 MB)

Music credits: “See you later” by Pitx, “Smoke” by Pitx, “No” by Pitx, “Fun Key” by Pitx

Nature’s Past podcasts are posted on a monthly basis on the website of the Network in Canadian History & Environment / Nouvelle initiative Canadienne en histoire de l’environnement (NiCHE). The podcasts contain discussion about the environmental history community and research in Canada. They are hosted by Sean Kheraj, an assistant professor in the Department of History at York University in Toronto, Canada.

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