The Environmental Humanities Lab at the University of Gothenburg (GUEHL)

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GUEHL. Homepage.

University of Gothenburg Environmental Humanities Lab (GUEHL) (website).

[GUEHL] is a forum for scholars who share an interest in questions of meaning, value, ethics, and justice within contemporary environmental concerns. This emerging interdisciplinary field seeks to foster collaboration and discussion between researchers and society on this most urgent issue. Perspectives are drawn from disciplines such as environmental philosophy, environmental history, eco-criticism, human geography, cultural anthropology, and political ecology. We also link with writers, artists, photographers and designers as well as researchers within the social and natural sciences from across the university. (Text from GUEHL)

GUEHL is an initiative of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Gothenburg, to connect scholars and scientists from multiple disciplines on issues raised within the environmental humanities. Members of the network can be found according to their faculty and department, or through keywords which extend beyond disciplinary boundaries. Members are involved in a range of projects, from financial and risk ethics to the importance of plants and maritime museums. It also features an in-house podcast titled HumPod, and a Spotlight page with information on environmental humanities events and conferences across the globe.