“Save Our National Forests!: A Citizen’s Primer to Stop U.S. Forest Service Destruction,” Earth First! n.d. [mid-1980s?] Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/7996.
This Earth First! tabloid offers a citizen’s primer to the U.S. Forest Service and its negative impact on national forests, written by Howie Wolke.
Unfortunately, the very tenets of National Forest (and public land) management in the US are biologically and ethically wrong. Radical change won’t come easily. Nonetheless, it is clear that America’s current system of public land management simply does not work. These wondrous natural places deserve something much better. Let’s begin to work now, not only for a radical overhaul of the National Forest system, but for sane biocentric management of all of our public lands.
—Howie Wolke
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