Laughlin, Josh, Dug, Kris Maenz, Adam Volk, and Georgette, eds., Earth First! Journal 21, no. 3 (1 February 2001). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
In this issue, Craig Rosebraugh gives an update on the Earth Liberation Front’s (ELF) fight against genetic engineering on Long Island, and Michael Robinson discusses the reintroduction of Mexican wolves.
With the move comes lots of discussion of where EF! is headed. (Actually it seems to be a question pondered often, creating many heated debates.) Some believe in a wilderness only approach, more like EF!’s former years. Others envision strengthening the movement by diversifying into other struggles rooted in the same problem. […] Maybe we have evolved beyond the original vision. EF! is only a name anyway. Let’s get over it.
— Josh Laughlin
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The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.
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