Coronado, Rod, et al., eds., Earth First! Journal 19, no. 5 (1 May 1999). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
In this issue of Earth First! Journal Cecelia Rodriguez brings devastating news about the murder of Ingrid Washinawatok and two other activists. In addition, Bob Greenberg proposes new directions for the EF! movement, Karen Pickett gives an update on the Headwaters forest deal signed by government agencies and Pacific Lumber/MAXXAM, and Jim Kleissler suggests that the Forest Service might monitor American citizens.
And Ingrid’s death joins the list of the thousands who have died giving witness to something that is terribly wrong with humanity today—this obscene imbalance that imbues a few with more wealth than they can ever use in their entire lives and condemns the large majority to nothing but a march, a protest, a hunger strike, a land occupation, a gun, a hardened, wrinkled hand bunched together in a fist.
— Cecelia Rodriguez
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