Introductory primer, “Don’t just sit there on your butt, do something!” Earth First! Undated [1990?], 8pp. Republished on the Environment and Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
This undated [1990?] issue of Earth First! outlines the motivations and philosophy of the Earth First! movement. It includes a “Direct action 101” primer by Ed Abbey and a guide for forming Earth First! groups.
Lobbying, lawsuits, letter writing, and research papers are important and necessary. But they are not enough. Earth First!ers also use confrontation, guerilla theater, direct action and civil disobedience to fight for wild places and life processes. And while we do not condone or condemn monkeywrenching, ecotage, or other forms of property destruction, we do present a forum for the exchange of ideas on creative opposition to the juggernaut of “progress”, including ideas about monkeywrenching.
—Earth First!
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