Earth First! 29, no. 7

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

Earth First! 29, no. 7. Front page.

Earth First! 29, no. 7 (1 November 2009). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

This special “Samhain-Yule” issue of Earth First! is dedicated to Samhain, the Celtic term for “summer’s end,” a time to reassess goals and strategies. It discusses endangered rivers, tar sands, protection from environmental degradation, information about US climate justice activism (MCJ), the “Green Scare,” Deep Ecology, and the G20 Summit. Letters to the editor and songs are included as well.  

They don’t operate well in chaotic situations. We’re anarchists. We do. While they’re radioing in for instructions, we’re following whims and currents—sometimes to disastrous ends, but often to success.


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