Sophia, Micah, Josh, and Donny, eds., Earth First! 27, no. 4 (1 May 2007). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
- West Virginia Governor’s Office Occupied
Demanding Justice for Marsh Fork Elementary - A Different Kind of Gathering
A Reportback from the 2007 Organizers’ Conference - Stomp Comp USA in Austin
Fighting Dams and Attacking the System with Root Force - Challenging Oppression Within
COW at the Organizers’ Conference - Office Occupation in Austin Again 1-69
- Operation Leviathan
Protecting Whales off the Coast of Antarctica - Angelic Upstarts Defend Weld Valley
- London Rising Tide Occupies Carbon Neutral Company
- Everglades Uprising!
Resisting Florida Power & Light - Stop the Inter-County Connector
A Washington, DC Highway Doomed for Failure - Cell Phones Suck II: They’re Listening…
Cell Phone Taps and You - Earth First! Round River Rendezvous
Southern Indiana, July 2-8 - Earth First! In the Heartland
Roadblock EF! and the Campaign Against 1-69
- I-69 and the Plan Puebla Panama: The Global Connection
- Removable Rondy Flyer!
- Confronting Patriarchy in Katúah
- Great Bear Rainforest: The Clearcut Truth
- Full Tanks, Empty Stomachs: Ethanol and Eco-Colonialism
- Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: A Report From Your Journal
- Federal Prison 101: A Guide for the Annual Liberationist
- Beltane Plant Feature: The Walking Fern
- Congratulations: The San Francisco Peaks Victory
- Listen (The Minnehaha Free State)
A Sense of Victory - The Forager’s Harvest
Get Out of that Armchair, Forager! - By Ebb & By Flow
Alice DiMicele’s Mellow Return - Burn It
Filastine Plays with Fire
‘Don’t become an anarchist!’ a friend of mine said, warning me that the anarchist subculture was ‘inherently racist and sexist.’ I began to wonder if just associating myself with the Earth First! movement was weakening my resistance to these forms of oppression […]
— Clara
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The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.
- Bari, Judi. Revolutionary Ecology: Biocentrism & Deep Ecology. Melville: Trees Foundation, 1998.
- Foreman, Dave. Ecodefence: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching. Tucson: A Ned Ludd Book, 1987.
- Lee, Martha. Earth First!: Environmental Apocalypse. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1995.
- Merchant, Carolyn. Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World. London: Routledge, 1992.
- Mies, Maria, and Vandana Shiva. Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books, 1993.
- Taylor, Bron. “The Tributaries of Radical Environmentalism.” Journal for the Study of Radicalism 2, no. 1 (2008): 27-61.