Davis, John, et al., eds., Earth First! Journal 10, no. 7 (1 August 1990). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6943.
Earth First! is changing. The journal was greatly criticized by fellow EF!ers, for its editorial policies, at the “Round River Rendezvous” EF! Journal meeting. Consequently the editorial “Ramblings” is from now on eliminated, the letters section is longer, and action articles have a more prominent spot in the publication.
The Joumal seems to be entering a time of transition […]. It may be that Earth First! Journal will evolve into two journals, or perhaps into one journal plus some unemployed erstwhile staff members celebrating their newfound freedom … time will tell.
— John Davis
Apart from these changes, Bill Devall gives an update from the WILD conference on Hawaii, R.F. Mueller discusses how roads fragment and infect nature, and Mary Davis continues to shed light on old-growth in the American East.
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