Alaimo, Stacy. “Afterword: Crossing Time, Space, and Species.” Environmental Humanities 11, no. 1 (2019): 239–41.
As many academics debate who is the “anthro” of the anthropocene, often doing so from seemingly disembodied vantage points, this important collection of essays demonstrates that toxic embodiment is a crucial lens for rethinking the human, not as an abstract force acting on the world, but as fleshy beings who are inseparable from their transcorporeal entanglements within the world. While the public concern for toxins seems overshadowed by the understandably urgent concerns about climate change, this collection makes a potent argument for attending to how environments, human bodies, and nonhuman bodies are being transformed by anthropogenic substances. The temporalities of these transformations, which are inseparable from ongoing histories of colonialism and capitalism, scramble conventional understandings of time, agency, and ontological categorization. (Text from the afterword)
2019 Stacy Alaimo. Environmental Humanities is available online only and is published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).