About this collection

Environmental Values is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines relating to the present and future environment of human beings and other species. The journal was established in 1992 and aims to clarify the relationship between practical policy issues and more fundamental underlying principles or assumptions. It is published by White Horse Press. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

The Environment & Society Portal collection offers a growing, broad range of the digitally available journal articles.

Showing 1–15 of 373 results
"World Poverty, Animal Minds and the Ethics of Veterinary Expenditure"
Hadley, John, and Siobhan O'Sullivan
"Darwin and Wallace as Environmental Philosophers"
Benton, Ted
"Reflexive Water Management in Arid Regions: The Case of Iran"
Balali, Mohammad Reza, Jozef Keulartz, and Michiel Korthals
"Ecosystem Services and Sacred Natural Sites: Reconciling Material and Non-material Values in Nature Conservation"
Bhagwat, Shonil A.
"The Moral Worth of Creatures: Neo-Classical Metaphysics and the Value Theories of Rolston and Callicott"
Benzoni, Francisco
"Was Aldo Leopold a Pragmatist? Rescuing Leopold from the Imagination of Bryan Norton"
Callicott, J. B., W. Grove-Fanning, J. Rowland, D. Baskind, R. H. French, and K. Walker
"Hunting as a Moral Good"
Cahoone, Lawrence
"Phenomenology and the Problem of Animal Minds"
James, Simon P.
"Darwin and the Meaning in Life"
Holland, Alan
"The Argument from Marginal Cases and the Slippery Slope Objection"
Tanner, Julia K.
"Visions of Nature in Eastern Europe: A Polish Example"
Hunka, Agnieszka D., Wouter T. de Groot, and Adam Biela
"A Critical Assessment of Public Consultations on GMOs in the European Union"
Ahteensuu, Marko, and Helena Siipi
"Evaluating the 'Ethical Matrix' as a Radioactive Waste Management Deliberative Decision-Support Tool"
Cotton, Matthew
"Darwinian Humanism and the End of Nature"
Kirkman, Robert
"The Value of Health in the Writings of H.D. Thoreau"
Casada da Rocha, Antonio