nature writing


Introduction to the Exhibition

Introduction to the Exhibition

This virtual exhibition features, in English translation, short excerpts from German-language literary texts that address human-nature entanglements. The aim is to show how literature can contribute to understanding and problematizing the relation between humans and nonhuman nature. What aspects of human-nature relations are addressed, at what point in literary history, and how are they shaped poetically? For the German-language version of this exhibition, click here.



In dieser virtuellen Ausstellung werden kurze Auszüge deutschsprachiger Literatur vorgestellt, die die Verstrickung von Mensch und Natur adressieren. Ziel der Ausstellung ist es, zu zeigen, inwiefern Literatur einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis und Problematisieren der Beziehung zwischen Mensch und nicht-menschlicher Natur leisten kann. Welche Aspekte dieser Beziehung werden angesprochen, zu welchem Zeitpunkt in der Literaturgeschichte und wie werden diese lyrisch gestaltet? Diese virtuelle Austellung ist hier in englischer Sprache zu finden.

Quellen und Weiterführende Literatur

Quellen und Weiterführende Literatur

Source literature and further reading for Sabine Wilke’s German-language virtual exhibition “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature)”. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Berge, Gletscher und Klima

Berge, Gletscher und Klima

In this chapter of the German-language version of her virtual exhibition, “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature),” Sabine Wilke examines mountains and glacial environments in German-language literary descriptions. Whereas the German Romantic poets still highlighted mountainous nature as deeply ambiguous, Goethe’s Faust tried to understand mountainous nature in its materiality through scientific studies. Modernism focuses on the more often destructive results of human-nature entanglements. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Einführung in die Ausstellung

Einführung in die Ausstellung

This German-language version of Sabine Wilke’s virtual exhibition features short excerpts from German-language literary texts that address human-nature entanglements. The aim is to show how literature can contribute to understanding and problematizing the relation between humans and nonhuman nature. What aspects of human-nature relations are addressed, at what point in literary history, and how are they shaped poetically? For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

BASCE: Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture, and the Environment

Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture, and the Environment (BASCE) is an interdisciplinary tri-national platform through which all those who are interested in the relation between art, culture, and environmental issues in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg can be informed about the latest national and international developments.

The State of Nature: Ecology, Community, and American Social Thought, 1900–1950

Gregg Mitman examines the relationship between issues in early twentieth-century American society and the sciences of evolution and ecology to reveal how explicit social and political concerns influenced the scientific agenda of biologists at the University of Chicago and throughout the United States during the first half of the twentieth century.