Content Index

Shen Hou, Carson Fellow from February to July 2011, talks about her research project at the RCC. It explores the introduction, reception, and transformation of American ideas of nature conservation, and related practices in China.

Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, Carson Fellow from November 2010 to February 2011, talks about his research on Alpine nature conservation and resource management.

Clapperton Mavhunga, Carson Fellow from July to December 2011, talks about his work on incoming technology and African innovation.

The nationalization of Italian mountains has been a story of military conquest and resistance, ecological and social transformation, expropriating resources and imposing meanings…

In the wake of the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011 and a resulting tsunami, the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, Japan, suffered internal explosions and a core meltdown at three reactors.

The theory states that humanity is a major geological and geobiological factor on Earth.

Three global environmental organizations outline principles for conservation and sustainable development.

Ingo Heidbrink, Carson Fellow from June 2011 to December 2011, talks about his environmental history of Greenland.

Examines the relationship between the mass consumption of a tropical commodity (bananas) in the United States, and environmental and social change in Honduras during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

With over 25 percent of its land set aside in national parks and other protected areas, Costa Rica is renowned worldwide as “the green republic.” Sterling Evans explores the establishment of the country’s national park system.