Review of El metabolismo de la economía española: Recursos naturales y huella ecológica 1955–2000 by Óscar Carpintero
A review of economist Óscar Carpintero’s history of resource use in the Spanish economy.
A review of economist Óscar Carpintero’s history of resource use in the Spanish economy.
Japan has one of the most eco-efficient economies in the world. The present paper looks at the history of two central policy measures designed to stimulate the emergence of a more sustainable industrial base.
A summary of a document produced for the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe.
The authors highlight the role played by capitalism in the intensification of pearls and nacre harvesting that brought the resource to speedy exhaustion.
This fourth issue continues the journal’s exploration of the scientific paradigms of global environmental history.
The article reflects on how to feed a growing world population in a context of natural resource scarcity and considers the 2012 World Water Day as a means to open an international debate in order to identify strategic choices capable of combining, globally and locally, the objective of food security with that of water resource protection.
This article aims to disclose the nature and underlying causes of the recent food crises focusing on both conjunctural and structural factors; to analyze the socio-economic and geopolitical impacts of food price increases; to identify the possible strategies to minimize the trade-off between the increase of agricultural production and the sustainable use of natural resources.
Using the Central Coast of California as a case study, this article argues that a nexus of ambitious growers and a growing state agricultural bureaucracy worked to create a “brand name” and teach cultivation approaches with increased production and expanded markets. But these same actors also made efforts to keep the long-term health of the industry and the community in mind.