
sustained, Nachhaltigkeit, sustainable development

Branding the Green City

Barthold analyzes the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group to illustrate how city networks are powerful actors in the global dissemination of eco-modernization strategies aimed at decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation.


Vardy and Smith’s article for the Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities argues that “resilience signals the pernicious return of structural-functionalism precisely at the moment when much more nuanced, thoughtful, and critical attention should be given to the relationships and differences between and within human and nonhuman populations.”

"Integrated Measures of Indigenous Land and Sea Management Effectiveness: Challenges and Opportunities for Improved Conservation Partnerships in Australia"

Looking at cases of Indigenous land and sea management in Australia, Austin et al. suggest four ways Indigenous groups and institutional investors can work together to establish meaningful criteria for ensuring effective conservation outcomes.