

"Intimate Exclusions from the REDD+ forests of Sungai Lamandau, Indonesia"

In this Special Section on the Green Economy in the South, Peter Howson reflects on the Sungai Lamandau REDD+ demonstration activity in Indonesia. He focuses on “intimate exclusions” – everyday processes of accumulation and dispossession among villagers and small-holders – to highlight the hazards of developing REDD+ projects structured with limited sympathy for marginalized actors.

"Persistent Neoliberalisation in PES: Taxes, Tariffs, and the World Bank in Costa Rica"

In this Special Section on the Green Economy in the South, Brett Sylvester Matulis considers Costa Rica’s national “payments for ecosystems services” (PES) programme. He explores World Bank / Costa Rica relations and market-oriented interventions to the financing of ecosystem service payments and explains that (despite inherent contradictions inhibiting market formation) neoliberal actors within the state can still implement mechanisms designed to approximate markets.

The State of Nature: Ecology, Community, and American Social Thought, 1900–1950

Gregg Mitman examines the relationship between issues in early twentieth-century American society and the sciences of evolution and ecology to reveal how explicit social and political concerns influenced the scientific agenda of biologists at the University of Chicago and throughout the United States during the first half of the twentieth century.

Euer Dorf soll schöner werden: Ländlicher Wandel, staatliche Planung und Demokratisierung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Euer Dorf soll schöner werden captures the transformation of Germany’s rural landscape through modernization between 1961 and 1979, through the inter-village contest, “Unser Dorf soll schöner werden” (“May our village become more beautiful”).