Nuhoniyeh—Our Story

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Environmental Film Profiles (videos)

Code, Allen, and Mary Code. Nuhoniyeh—Our Story. Watertown: Documentary Educational Resources, Inc., 1993. Super 8, 55 min.

This film documentary produced from a Native perspective explores the history and current circumstances of the Sayisi Dene, a people of the ecological and cultural borderlands between tundra and forest in Canada. The Sayisi Dene were moved from their traditional homelands in 1956 and had to live in an unfamiliar and thereby hostile environment where their culture and skills became irrelevant. In the early 70s, the survivors began a move back to the land. They have built the community of Tadoule Lake and revived awareness of their history. While specific to the Sayisi Dene, Nuhoniyeh—Our Story provides an introduction to complex issues of politics, land rights, cultural ecology, and processes of cultural destruction and rebirth that are of widespread concern in the circumpolar Arctic. The film combines historical photographs, archival material, and contemporary film records, together with the strong testimony of the Sayisi Dene people themselves, to provide a positive statement of human potential. (Source: Documentary Educational Resources, Inc.)

© 1993 Documentary Educational Resources, Inc. Trailer used with permission. 

This film is available at the Rachel Carson Center Library (RCC, 4th floor, Leopoldstrasse 11a, 80802 Munich) for on-site viewing only. For more information, please contact

About the Environmental Film Profiles collection