Nature's Past episode 57: “Why Study Canada?”

Kheraj, Sean | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Nature's Past (podcasts)

Kheraj, Sean. “Episode 57: Why Study Canada?” Nature’s Past: Canadian Environmental History Podcast, September 13, 2017. MP3, 33:09.

Why study Canadian environmental history? Where does Canada fit in global perspectives of environmental history?

This episode focuses on the role of Canada in environmental history and explores some of the reasons why some scholars study the environmental history of Canada. Three historians based outside of Canada join the podcast to explain their research and why they chose to study Canadian environmental history. (From Nature’s Past)

natures-past57.mp3, by eisenberg

Music credits: “Piano romance” by THEJRSOUNDDESIGN, “The Flying of a Leaf” by Mattia Vlad Morleo, “Happy Piano” by Studio Wanted, “Sky Colors” by Sea Stock, “Good Old Times” by Alex Cohen

Nature’s Past podcasts are posted on a monthly basis on the website of the Network in Canadian History & Environment / Nouvelle initiative Canadienne en histoire de l’environnement (NiCHE). The podcasts contain discussion about the environmental history community and research in Canada. They are hosted by Sean Kheraj, an assistant professor in the Department of History at York University in Toronto, Canada.

Creative Commons License This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.